Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stevie Wonder - Fulfillingness' First Finale

Fulfillingness' First Finale

Stevie Wonder's Fulfillingness' First Finale is one of his best albums. The songs are funk, soul, and R&B. Some of my favorites are "Smile Please", "Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away", "Too Shy to Say", and "You Haven't Done Nothin'". I also like his Songs in the Key of Life album.

Stevie Wonder Songs

I listed some 70s songs I like by Stevie Wonder. They are all on my must hear 70s songs list.

Pastime Paradise
Sir Duke

Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life

Songs in the Key of Life

The 1976 Songs in the Key of Life is my favorite Stevie Wonder album. It has some of his best songs ever. The album is a mix of soul and funk. Some of my favorite songs are "Contusion", "Sir Duke", "I Wish", "Pastime Paradise", "Isn't She Lovely", and "Another Star". I also like his Fulfillingness' First Finale album.